Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Class Room Activities

Ajay's Essay

1.      Yes, I think that he has achieved that is pages are understandable without any help from Ajay. He asks the questions that go along with the pictures, and that helps the reader to understand. Without the questions, most of the things going on in the pictures would go unnoticed, for instance, buying the gun and getting an A.
2.      Yes, is think his essay’s opening page appropriately prepares his audience for his purpose. It has a question that sums up what his project is about. The photograph is appropriate because the whole project is talking about buying our grades and diploma and the picture is someone giving someone money.
3.      Yes, Ajay has framed and cropped his photographs to help his audience see what he wants them to see. There is nothing going in the background of the pictures that is not needed. The pictures are close up and you can clearly see what needs to be seen. I would not have done anything differently.
4.      Yes, Ajay’s captions are doing the work that he hoped they would do. If he were to have statements or assertions rather than questions, his project would have become more demanding and it would have seemed like he was yelling at his readers. Instead of saying, “Is how you get your gum just like how you get a grade?” It would read, “How you get your gum is just like how you get a good grade.” I feel as though it leaves no way for the reader to think about their interpretation and it is only about what Ajay thinks. No, I don’t think that the photographs would have worked without the captions because they explain what he wants you to see in the pictures.
5.      Yes, I think he has enough photographs to achieve the purposes he described in his statement of purpose because with the three pages of pictures the reader can understand what his message is.
I think that Ajay achieved the overall purposes he set for himself.

Analyzing Movie Posters

We think that Crazy Stupid Love was made within the last five years. Vertigo was made fifty years ago and The Wizard of Oz was made seventy years. The graphics on the movie posters are better quality. Vertigo looks very old because it does not have very good graphics. The Wizard of Oz’s pictures are hand drawn.
-Crazy Stupid Love is a Romantic Comedy because the woman’s leg is supposed to be sensual and the expression on the man’s face is humorous. Vertigo looks like a love story because the man is hugging the woman. The Wizard of Oz is a children’s movie because the poster looks like it is portraying a cartoon.
-In Crazy Stupid Love each of the actors pictures have a different background which makes them stand out from each other. The designers chose black so that they would stand out from the rest of the paper. In Vertigo the designer picked red because it is the color of love and yellow represents happiness. The clothes on the two characters are black and white so that they stand out on the movie poster. In The Wizard of Oz the bright colors are appealing to a young person’s eye. The drawing is supposed to look like a children’s book.
-In Crazy Stupid Love first you see the woman’s foot and then the man’s face, and then the title of movie, and then the actors. In Vertigo the first thing you look at are the two actors and then the name of the actors. In The Wizard of Oz the first thing you look at is the title, then the things in the blue box, and then the characters at the bottom.
-Crazy Stupid Love is an explicit Romantic Comedy. Vertigo is a classic love story. The Wizard of Oz is a fun, playful, children’s movie.

Peer Reviewed by: Sarah Biernacki and Dominca Mcnair For Trevor Cherry
In the world of video games, there are always people playing and there are more often than not people watching them play. This used to be just taking turns playing a single player game, but as of recently games such as League of Legends have developed such a large audience of people watching others play, that the best of the best end up playing in front of hundreds of thousands of players each week.

A bit of background:

For those unfamiliar, League of Legends (LOL) is part of the MOBA genre of games; MOBAS being multiplayer online battle arenas where teams of 5 look to kill their opponents as well as taking objectives to win the game. If you want to learn more about the game I suggest viewing the following 

The video is a good way to understand the basics of the game so you have a general idea of what happens in a given game.

League of Legends has become so popular that the maker, RIOT games, are funding a professional league known as the League Championship series(LCS) similar to Major league Baseball where professional players compete head to head each week in the regular season and then move on to playoffs for the championship game.
the LCS is considered by many the future of Esports, or videogames played competitively,  as it provides a stable amount of content to be watched by fans as well as putting the competing players on a payroll so they can fully commit to competing each week.
like the Major leagues, there are also minor leagues where teams breed talent for the major leagues. Coke Zero has very recently created their minor league equivalent known right now as the Coke Challenger series where teams compete to be promoted into the next season of the LCS

Harry Wigget, the old manager for Team Fnatic, recently wrote an article about the Coke Challenger Series and how important it is to the amateur scene of League of Legends. The article itself can be found here at 
esportsheaven , a website dedicated to talking about the competitive scene of multiple popular games including League of Legends.

What It's All About

Wigget, was not too concerned about the rhetorical appeal of this post as some of the techniques are not used to great effect.
Regarding The Text:
When it comes to the text of the article, Wigget begins with a good amount of pathos to get the reader to feel compassion for those involved in Esports and try to empathize how difficult it can be when he writes, "pro players were either an LCS player, or were sitting at home and watching what they nearly had, the dream" (Wigget). The way Wigget words the ending makes the reader feel a connection to these players because everybody has dreams and many people can relate to being so close to something, but not being able to get it. I believe that this is very effective because the method used is from a very niche community that can be understood by just about everybody; however, with the idea that this is posted to a website dedicated to esports as well as being posted in the league of legends forum, just about everybody reading knows and is involved with League Of Legends so I don't believe it was necessary but it worked nonetheless. 

(this was just a random aside that i thought of, so it doesn't really have much a paragraph structure yet) Wigget was picked up by Fnatic before League of Legends started and Fnatic were the Season 1 World Champs and his team also won both the spring and summer split of the LCS on top of getting all the way to the semifinals in the Season 3 world championships.(lolgamepedia, not sure how to cite) All of this information could be used to influence the reader and Wigget could very easily give himself more than credibility to be taken seriously. Wigget, though, decided against including any of this information as he probably didn't find it relative to his topic, but I believe adding any of the information would inherently strengthen his appeal to credibility because people respect success.

Wigget's use of logic in the article is very impressive. Wigget briefly talks about the history of the game and then takes an objective viewpoint on the amateur scene when he writes about the weekly tournaments in season 1 and 2, how they went away in season 3, and why they could and should come back in season 4. (Wigget)

the first picture, seen here,

of the article is one of the author watching over players with the caption, "Harry in action watching over his developing talent". I feel like this image is not placed in order to get an emotional response form the reader but to instead, separate the intro from the body of text and make it more appealing to readers knowing there will be visuals along side the text. (dear reviewer of my rough draft, could you please comment on whether or not this image gets an emotional response; I'll love you forever).Yes this picture creates an emotional response because it looks like the boy is being left out and is sad.

this picture does help establish the credibility of the author, considering the picture is of himself working with the professional gaming team of Fnatic, it visually shows the reader that the author is actually involved with Esports.
the second pic is one of the season 3 world championship, hosted at the Staples Center with the caption
"Where every LOL player wants to compete - the LCS World Finals "
 if you consider the caption of this picture as part of the visual, then it slightly diminishes the credibility of the author because calling it the LCS world Finals is inaccurate because the Koreans play in a league called the OGN while the Chinese play in a league known as the LPL. so to call it the LCS world finals is technically incorrect but is only a minor set back because the wording isn't that important.
what is important in this image though, is the feeling you get when looking at it; when I first saw it, I thought to myself wow, this is how far League of Legends has come. the picture does a good job to show the scale of how big Esports can be. it also makes sense because Wigget is talking about tournaments and how the amateur scene can grow, so why not throw in a picture of the biggest event League of Legends has ever hosted.

the third and final picture of the article is the one seen here with the caption, "Roald Van Buren and FACEIT supporting the LOL amateur scene"

this picture with its caption feels confused to me, the picture is of a man smiling with success and the the caption describes it as him helping the amateur scene. the picture makes sense as to why it was added considering Wigget talked at length about how FACEIT is also developing the amateur scene, but the picture is only of a man and could have been the same person but more related to him developing the amateur scene rather than just smiling

how do the two work together?
the pictures and the text have a very odd relationship in this article. the main focus of the article is definitely the text. I think that the article gained very little by inserting the pictures in with the article. Yes it is nice to look at pictures while reading websites, but the pictures seem like they are just thrown into the middle of the text in order to break up ideas. if the visuals weren't in the article at all, i believe the message would be just as strong albeit a little harder to read all the way through.

Overall I think for his very first post on the website, Harry Wigget did a good job at using rhetoric to convey his message about the amateur scene of League of Legends. He employs pathos very early as well as ethos before moving into the main argument. The synergy between the visuals and the text was weak and could be better related, but overall the pictures are more or less just eye candy to look at while reading the article. 

Because this is a blog post, copy and paste it into a word document and fix spelling and punctuation errors.

works cited:

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